Sith Creed

"Peace is a lie. There is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken."
-the Sith Creed

28 June 2011

And I am caught within a spider's loom

I apologize again for the delay.  The continuation of my VA story begins now:

With those stupid glasses, I walked around in search of food and drink (as you know, I love to eat). I pulled them off and squinted at the bright lights of the main lobby. I walked to the right because I heard that was where the food and drink were. I came to an older couple serving coffee and snack cakes. That would have to hold me over til I can leave, I thought to myself.

I gingerly sipped on my coffee and walked back to my chair in the office. Right before I sat down, a gentleman spoke up and told me that my name was called while I was gone. He relayed the message to me that I could go and get something to eat. Then he pointed me outside where there was a hot dog stand. Something I completely missed.

Once I finished my hot dog, I walked around a bit outside. Then had the feeling that I needed to go back inside. Low and behold I was right. I walked back in at the right time. My name had been called to see the next doctor. I quickly walked to the waiting area I would be called into.

And of course I had to wait.

My head was about to make contact with my shoulder when I heard my name. I was filled with glee. This was the last appointment and I get to go home.

The doctor sat me down and started to ask a bunch of questions. My head was spinning from having to answer so much at one time. After each question, she would examine that part of the body I was claiming was in pain. And her tests weren't friendly. Some I was tickled, others I was poked; I even had some kind of rake scrape the bottom of my foot. I was starting to feel like I was going through processing all over again. All of her tests were strange and felt weird.

One of her tests, the thyroid test, gave me the most memorable line. She looked me head on and cocked her head to the side. She grabbed my neck and felt around, then she took a step back.
"Do you do special exercises for your neck?" She asked.
"No. Why?" I countered.
"Because you have a band of muscle around your neck. It will be difficult to test your thyroid," she explained.
"It is probably from eating..." I chuckled. She couldn't help but laugh as well.

From there, she finished up her tests and sent me to get some x-rays. I confidently talked my way through the x-ray, so that it would go by quickly. And it didn't.

After that I was free to go back to Charlotte. And I have to go back again on the 7th... I can't wait to see what happens then.

25 June 2011

Til Flowers cease to bloom

I apologize for leaving everyone in suspense about the conclusion of my story. I have had a few things progress and develop constricting me into a kind of lull that I couldn't wake myself from. I will finish the story throughout the week. I have some important appointments and obligations that will help me become more focused and comfortable with writing some of my exploits. I am the one who has to catch up on my stories. Again I apologize.

15 June 2011

From twilight to high noon


I sat in a chair that was meant for someone larger than me. I felt small and insignificant. My stomach churned at the thought of someone filling the chair that could fit two of me, comfortably. I twiddled my thumbs with impatience.

The lady behind the counter called my name. I stood and walked towards her. She had a look of discontent on her face. My churning stomach took a bite out of my heart. Something was wrong.

"Apparently, I cannot find your C-File," she exclaimed.

I thought, "What the hell is a C-File?" And that is when my heart gave my stomach gas... "It is probably the one file everyone needs to do this check-up. Shit!"

"Your first appointment will not see you without that file. I will get your next appointment started. The doctor said he will see you without the file." Sybil said.

I thanked her and followed her to the next waiting room. The sign above the door read: Eye Exams. I quivered and then my stomach burped and took another bite of my heart. My eyes are precious to me. You cannot be a photographer with bad eyes, I think. I was lead into Dr. Green's office.

I sat down on the chair. I grew nervous. I hate being at the doctor's office. It is always a scary jarring of questions disguised as examinations which is another word for tests...

And then it began. The bright lights, reading very fine print posted on a wall, guessing at letters. My hands started to sweat. My breathing went haywire. I couldn't focus. My stomach took the final bite of my heart.

"Well, it looks like you have 20/15 vision. You can see a little better than normal." He said.

*sighs* "Wait. What?" I was confused. I was trying to fail this test to that I could get some benefits. I fail at failing.

After telling me my results of my ability to see time and space individually. He told me to lean my head back. I gasped out loud. Drops! I hate putting liquids into my eyes... And to make it worse this was an anesthetic, meaning he was going to touch my eyeball. Ew! I don't even touch my own eye balls.

I held my stomach which just enjoyed the last bit of heart I had left. I bit the bullet and braced for the touching. Blinking felt like a chore. I hated that feeling. My eyes teared up. I was leaking all over the place.

He told me to lean my head back once again. This time it was colored drops. Ugh! Now I get to see in color?!?! What kind of test is this? I mustered another ounce of courage (I guess I should use the metric system since most of my readers are not American), liter of courage... Through the yellow haze covering my eyes and my strain to see correctly. I felt like Cyclops after someone removed his visor. I was scared yellow beams would shoot out of my eyes disintegrating Dr. Green. After touching all over my naked eyes, he ushered me back to the waiting room. With dilated pupils, numb eyes, and those annoying uncool shades the docs give you, I waited...

(to be continued...)

As I bask in the rays of a full moon

Well like I said, if there are no adventures there are no stories. So guess what happened today. Yup, you guessed it. An adventure.

I woke up this morning at about 5:30a to the sound of my grandfather telling me the time. I was probably still drunk from last night, so getting out of the bed turned into an escalation of force. I threw the blankets off of me and literally fell out of bed. I stood up, morning wood barely contained in my underwear. There was no mistaking it.  I was awake way too early for my taste.

I quickly drew a bath and prepared myself for the day. A quick shave and a quick scrub (didn't want to look like a bag of ass when I got to the VA clinic). I moved slowly, well slower than the speed of light because I needed to be outside by 6:15a. Once my clothes were on, I was able to realize what time it was. 5:55a. Awesome, just enough time to check the FB (Facebook) and maybe look at some dirty pictures.

My phone chimed a text message. "Here", it said. I closed my laptop and headed for the door.

Stopping by the fridge, I grabbed my Frappucino I stored away in the fridge the night prior. I told my grandfather goodbye and bounded out the door. I jumped into my friend's SUV. And we streaked down the road to Winston-Salem.

I gobbled my coffee drink quickly. I still was not awake. My friend and me talked about anything and everything during the drive. We are both not morning people.

We arrived at the VA clinic on time. I sauntered into the building. Those five Guinness's were starting to leave a mark of their attack. My head was pounding and aching. Bad mixture...

I walked up to the counter in the main lobby, stood in line for awhile before being called. The lady behind the counter pointed me into the direction I needed to go. I walked a few feet then turned around. I had forgot the room number just that quickly.

From there, I was stuck waiting...

(to be continued...)

10 June 2011

East of the Black Sea

I know I have not been making any posts. I have begun a thought process that I am not ready to put down on blog paper. Plus they are a bit personal. *laughs* And you are probably thinking to yourself. Well it can't possibly be any more personal than what you have written so far. No it is not. It is personal but it is something that has been bothering me for a while. And at the moment I am formulating what I want to say. I am pre-writing my blog before posting it. I want what I have to say grasp your attention and keep it for a while. I have alot to say and I don't want to get anything out of order.

Plus it has gotten to the point where I voice my own opinion about the world around me.

07 June 2011

West of Mayberry

West of Mayberry

Kinda funny how in my search for porn I come across this page. It did the one thing I needed at this time. Inspire. Don't know what or how it inspired but it did. Once I finish this post, I will thank Tony.

Don't get me wrong, I love porn. Isn't that what the internet is for? *laughs*

I burn then procure

I can't keep still. I am always looking for an adventure of sorts. I know this is the time for me to just relax and recharge after my last adventure, but I can't hold back my feelings. It is consuming and controlling me. This next adventure is taking me to The Art Institute of Charlotte. I feel that I need to enroll in their one year program just to keep busy. *laughs* I am acting like a superhero always searching for the bad guy. Yet I am no one special. Just an ordinary guy wandering the Earth.

Edit: So it is about 2 hours after the first part of this post. I should have just made a new post but I would have been short. Unfortunately, I cannot go to the Art Institute. I don't have a few things I need to complete the process. I am extremely angry because every time I do something. There is always another thing holding me back or preventing me from getting there...

06 June 2011

A yearn so pure

Well, I have solved the commenting problem. I didn't pay attention to what was being said.

I would also like to apologize for the wane in adventuring. But if you think about it, every adventure is preceded by a small break for repair, recharge, replenish, and any other "re-" action necessary for the next mission. And so keeping with the spirit of adventure. I found more notes from my deployment to Afghanistan.

     Kyrgyzstan- Feb 15th, 2010:
The stop over in Romania was not what I expected. Kinda disappointed but not. Didn't see any vampires, hell I didn't even get the chance to smoke. No one did. Apparently, the whole country didn't want us to smoke there. I also found it strange to walk through an international airport and see it empty. Like closed empty. Not empty because we are American troops traveling through. But empty because "we the people of Romania do not want to be responsible for the deaths of people by vampires". The place was deserted. And I am throughly convinced that vampires exist.

At the moment, I am sitting in Something-or-rather-stan. Waiting for our flight. There is a large GP tent. It is fucking cold. Somewhere around 22 degrees I heard. Now I am going to sleep because I don't know what else to do.

     Kandahar- Feb 16th, 2010
We landed in Kandahar at the same time as the sunset. The golden glow of the sun sank into the purple hue of the approaching night. The plane settled into its unloading position. We exited and went to a tent for a brief. So glad it is not cold here...

This base is a labyrinth of Hesco, Jersey, and Tee barriers. The darkness accentuated the gloomy maze in which anyone can get lost.

The morning shall prove different...

     Camp Leatherneck Day 2- Feb 19th 2010
Tensions grew high yesterday. I had to diffuse and redirect. Some of the Junior Marines do not understand what has to happen. Still bashing others for what they themselves do not know. This deployment will definitely be a test for everyone.

The fighting (against the Taliban) has gotten to the point where anything can happen. A Hymars Rocket is heard flying out of the base every so often. I am still ready for what this may bring.

--- Just a glimpse into the first few days of my second deployment. It was scary to be in a situation like that and not know what would happen next. Stories of ANA (Afghan National Army) turning on the very Marines who trained them.

03 June 2011

A virus with no cure

So I found out today that I am an idiot. I disabled all comments and was wondering why this whole time. Then again I am still a bit new at this. So please bear with me. Sorry for asking you to leave a comment when I didn't make it possible.

And so, I will leave you with another one of my prized stories from my past deployment titled "Hunt for the yellow papers". I hope you enjoy it

The Roots of the Gagglefuck Tree Grow Strong

*2300 There were about 3 Marines walking around with flashlights. No one knew what they were doing, not even the Marines themselves. Kennedy was one of them. He was out by himself looking for four yellow pages.

*2330 Found out what those pages were. Apparently, classified BOLO lists, which I don't believe. Some how they blew away from the ECP during a sandstorm earlier in the day.

*0230 I saw a UFO flying by. Or at least two. I was kinda freaked out by it.

*0315 Uh. It flew by again and was able to get Earnest and Sterling to see it.

*0730 Finally off the tower and now being woken up. Wanted to sleep while on ORF. Had a feeling that wasn't going to happen. Didn't know what was going on when we drove to the BDOC but I had a feeling it was for the yellow pieces of paper. They were not found the night prior (and could be somewhere in the desert) and now with light outside, we had to look for them.

*0820 Forty minutes before the end of our shift, still no papers. The wind definitely blew them away. Had to of...

*0830 Yeah, they didn't blow away. They had them all along. Apparently, someone thought there were pages missing because the page numbers went: 2, 3, 4, 9. We went looking for classified NATO intel that didn't exist. And those pages that blew away... At the ECP the whole time. Things are fucking ridiculous...

--There you have it. One of my oldies but goodies. I am still working on my recap of the last few days of  my Georgian visit. Kinda hard to recap when your friends are not there to help you and on top of that they don't speak English that well.
And as a disclaimer, the names were changed to protect the innocent. Because they are innocent...

02 June 2011

Always an Adventure

I was looking around my journals and writings and found this dated March 24th, 2010:  We got stuck last night. The River nearly swallowed Willie's truck. It took us forever to get it out. As usual, there were too many chiefs and not enough Indians. I just sat in the turret and provided security, mainly because no one was wearing flaks or kevlars, running around lost as hell. *laughs* It took all three trucks to get that one truck out.

That was from my deployment in Afghanistan. I am still trying to organize and piece together every thing from the past few days. I don't know where to start. Plus I am in the process of being responsible. Looking for a job and all that sweet jazz. Leaves no room for adventures right now. Going to have to use this time to recap on some old adventures and stories.

01 June 2011

A new day...

So, I woke up today and stared at this blank page wondering how I was going to start this new month. Have my adventures ended once I set foot upon American soil? What is next for me in this world? Why are there so many missing pieces and gaps in everything? What is the point to all of these questions?